Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Student Exchange (Part 1 - Preparation)

Not really exciting, but tiring. This is how I'm going to tell ya the whole process of bureaucracy, administration, and everything that come before I officially selected as an exchange student.

First, if you want to now something: just ask. If you have no courage (sometimes it happened to me- well, INFJ): google. That's the right place of finding what you really need. For me, I want to study abroad, but I don't want to crash my savings. Thus, among all the exchange programs available, I sort of picking the one that matched with my need.

Second, why would I choose Korea? I simply decide because they offer you a fully funded program called GKS (Global Korea Scholarship). I trace the former awardees of this scholarship and ask them for advice; how to apply and calculate the possibility of passing the selection. After a mini-research, thanks to our campus' good reputation, this GKS acceptance in UI is nearly 100%. So, why bother to choose others? ㅋㅋ
Besides, I studied in Economics & Business faculty which are proven to be the key sector upon Korea development up to this day.

Third, make sure you prepare the documents FAR before the deadline. Well, sometimes they're going to be harsh; the international office only spare a week between their open recruitment announcement and submission deadline. Meanwhile, they ask you to submit TOEFL score, recommendation letter, motivation letter, and such documents that is impossible to settle in a week (for further information about documents' requirement in my campus please access For me, I proceed the recommendation letter from my faculty's dean in a month. TOEFL test will take you about two weeks, and motivation letter only cost me around two days.

Fourth, international office staff will inform you about the interview date soon after the open registration due. The head of international office will face you herself; so please be prepared. As in my experience, you have to convince them why you are the most suitable candidate, what is your future plans, and how this program will benefit you.

Last, make sure that you are available for calls because they did not state a clear time upon when will you receive the announcement. Also frequently check your e-mails because in some case, they wrote to you.

Hope this article help you! Have a faith! :D

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